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entry calls

Entry & Open Calls


The ENTRY CALL 2024 of DANCE ON SCREEN for dance films from Switzerland and internationally is open! Dance films in three categories can be submitted via the entry portal.

The ENTRY CALL 2024 of DANCE ON SCREEN for dance films from Switzerland and internationally is open! Dance films in three categories can be submitted via the entry portal:

*Eligible and considered for screenings in several Swiss cities in 2025.
**A film will be considered by the platform’s selection committee once the online form has been filled out and the selection screener link has been sent.
We accept:
• features and doc films related to dance, choreography or movement from choreographers and film makers / producers:
• 40min till max. 90min
• not older than 3 years
• not submitted to previous DANCE ON SCREEN editions
• max. 2 submission per filmmaker
*Entry-fee of CH 25.-

*Eligible and considered for screenings in several Swiss cities in 2025.
**A film will be considered by the platform’s selection committee once the online form has been filled out and the selection screener link has been sent.
We accept:
• features and doc films related to dance, choreography or movement from Swiss choreographers and filmmakers / producers or content wise related to Switzerland:
• 40min till max. 90min
• not older than 3 years
• not submitted to previous DANCE ON SCREEN editions
• max. 2 submission per filmmaker
*Entry-fee of CH 25.-

SWISSIES – SHORTS (max. 15min) – Deadline 13 Oct. 2024
• films related to dance, choreography or movement from Swiss choreographers and filmmakers / producers:
• max. 15 min of length
• not older than 3 years
• not submitted to previous DANCE ON SCREEN editions
• max. 3 submissions per filmmaker
*Entry-fee of CH 15.-

⚠️ Please read our full *TERMS & CONDITIONS before submitting your film!

⚠️ *TERMS & CONDITIONS for all categories and years / entry call 2024:
*The entry fee is meant to ensure the quality of the selection process. Your film will be carefully handled and considered by our professional team and selection committee. After you submitted your film, the entry fee can’t be reclaimed.
*If your film is selected for screenings in Switzerland in 2025 or later, the filmmaker will receive a screening fee, which will be communicated in the notification.
*Films that do not meet the category-guidelines will be disqualified, and the entry fee can’t be reclaimed.
*Once a film is selected, a DCP-format and a mp4-format need to be provided to DANCE ON SCREEN. If not provided (preferable upload on FilmFreeway), the film will be disqualified and the entry fee can’t be reclaimed.
*For installation work, XR, AR, VR-projects and other proposals you can send additional materials to Keep in mind that you must submit your project through our entry portal to be considered.

⚠️ In case you have submitted your SHORT, FEATURE or DOC film to our partner CinedansFEST Amsterdam in 2023/24: – Then it will automatically be considered for DANCE ON SCREEN 2025/26. In this case, please email us to with the title of your film and the note ‘entered at Cinedans’, please consider for DOS2025’.

**SELECTION CRITERIA for all categories and years
Originality and evidence of authorship
Content and meaning
Originality of concept and clarity of script
Synergy between dance and film
Camera work and editing as a contribution to this synergy
Quality of choreography and dance
Role and meaning of sound
Technical execution in relation to the artistic vision

in general, we accept:
Short film productions till max. 15 min and features and documentaries (longer than 40min till max. 90min) and depending on the year and its categories also installation work, stereoscopic, VR / AR / XR – projects. Please check the running categories before submitting your film!!!

⚠️ Please read our full *TERMS & CONDITIONS!!